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Cartoni Lambda 25

Cartoni Lambda 25

  • £168.00

  • £201.60 inc VAT


The innovative lightweight Lambda 25 represents the ideal solution for Cameras up the 25 kg (55 lbs).

Lambda 25 inherits all the classic Lambda features with the addition of pan and tilt pierced rotation axis to allow the cable passage and a no limit multiple 360 rotation.

The patented Cartoni Fluid drag system is continuous on both axis.

The Lambda 25 Head can be mounted on any classic support as Tripods or Dollies or used in underslung position from Cranes, Jib arms and Dollies.

Rental Price                       Week                                          Day
Cartoni Lambda £504 £168


Watch a Set Up Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjtPBXhuEtw